Deploy any React App in 5 min using zeet

Manzar Iqbal
3 min readApr 28, 2021

Creating a react app

let’s create a react app that needs to be deployed . In my case , I’ll be creating a react-app using create-react-app as below

1. npx create-react-app react-zeet

Here I’ll not be making any changes in the react app and going to deploy the basic boiler plate that create-react-app provides. The file structure will be as below :

Once the app is created , create a new repository in the github and upload your code to the specific repository .

Creating an account in

Now open the website, and sign up for free.

Once you are logged in and connect your github account the page will be similar as below:

Click the github button and you will be able to see a pricing tabs like this

Choose the trail version and click continue.

If you be able to see all your repositories , then it’s fine. If not click on add repositories and github will ask you to allow access to all repositories or a specific one

In my case , I have selected only the repository I need to be deployed . Click on continue and click on the deploy now button

In the next page make sure the build method is Node Static Site (React, JAMStack) and Build Command based on your package manager. In my case it’s npm so I chose npm install && npm run build . If you use yarn then it is yarn install && npm run build. Then click save to run the build.

Once the deployment is over , you will see a button which will redirect to the deployed link, Click the button and you will be able to see your react app deployed.

Hope you found this article useful. Thanks for reading!



Manzar Iqbal

Machine Learning Enthusiast | | Full Stack Development | | Techie